Does Anyone Get Phantom Odors
I tend to smell different things that aren't there. I was just wondering if anyone else gets that too
Thank you so much for your answer it helps. I seem to have the phantom smells all the time. With headaches, without, before and not even having one
Yes! I am always asking my kids and husband if they smell things or if it is just me, lol. If it's only me I know tomorrow isn't going to be pretty.
Yes I smell phantom car emmisions in my house an while in car hubby dosent
Yes get them very frequently normally flowers and fruit smells, yesterday it was hemp oil
Are Phantom Sounds & Smells Symptoms Of Migraine
I Have Had A Worse Than Usual Headache For Past Three Days. Could Grout Dust From Tile Removal In Kitchen Be The Cause?
I Would Like To Know If Anyone Else Gets Strange Smells Before And/or With Migraines.