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If Married And You've Been Dealing With Chronic Pain For Years How Has It Affected Your Marriage?

A MyMigraineTeam Member asked a question πŸ’­
Dallas, TX

After five years of severe daily migraines that have affected my nervous system and caused pain to spread to other parts of my body, my marriage has suffered greatly. I keep a lot to myself but my husband is still suffering from empathy fatigue. You can only hear about how much pain someone is in for so long before it becomes the same as hearing the weather report. I do as much as I can. I keep the frig stocked and hired a house keeper but it's the emotional support I miss so much. The hugs and… read more

November 7, 2016
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A MyMigraineTeam Member

I feel so bad for all of you who are not only going through the hardship of horrible migraines but having to deal with problems with nonsupporting husbands. I used to have a pretty bad, now exhusband but thank God now I have been married for 27 years to a wonderful man who takes such wonderful care of me with every type of ailment. I go out of my way to make him happy for all the happiness he gives me. Some men, unfortunately just don't understand women or really know what pain is until they actually experience their own pain. As the saying goes, what goes around comes around. For every woman out there dealing with a heartless man, my thoughts and prayers are with you.

February 27, 2017
A MyMigraineTeam Member

I am extremely lucky in that department. I have nothing but support from my husband. I know he misses the other me but we keep trying and try not to lose hope.

December 4, 2016
A MyMigraineTeam Member

Most times i can't even tell my husband i have one. He blames it on my sleep. I've always been the kind of person who can survive on 6 hours of sleep. He can sleep 12-15 hours no problem and thinks i should be able to as well. I've told him that if i do not sleep the same amount of hours EVERY day, that'll trigger a migraine. He also seems to think that my Rx medicine should be a "miracle" drug and that it should take EVERY migraine away EVERY time. I've told him that it doesn't work that way because if it did, there wouldn't be so many meds put there for migraines. He'll then say i need a new Rx drug. He doesn't help when i have one. He'll be a bit sympathetic at times until it lasts more than a day. Then at the same time he'll also complain when I'm in my postdrome phase., like i do this on purpose.

April 14, 2017
A MyMigraineTeam Member

I am sorry, but I suffer from chronic migraines and every time I had one I would tell my husband so he knew why I had no energy and didn't want to go anywhere.. my migraines became all about him, what he was going thru, no compassion for me.. I finally left, it's hard being alone but at least I don't have to deal w guilt on top of everything else..

February 26, 2017
A MyMigraineTeam Member

I married the most understanding man in the world. He basically married me and my two toddlers. I was sick when I meet him, have only worked on and off for the last 28 years and have had no outside help. Together we raised 3 children, his and mine while he ran his own business. He has dealt with my chronic migraine, debilitating back and neck pain as well as my total shut downs when my depression and anxiety took over. To top things off, both of my children ended up with chronic conditions, 1 is in a wheel chair and the other has Type 1 Diabetes as well as Asperger Syndrome. I have asked him why he stays with me his answer is simple, he loves me. I am very VERY lucky.

January 14, 2017

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