Have You Found A Med That Has Actually Worked For You To Ease Your Migraines?
i have had one combination of meds that have workrf for me....sumatriptan injections and volterol suppositories....but unfortunatly,the doctors wont give me any more sumatriptan
I have vistral and soma I use as a rescue medication that I take together if my abortives don't work. If my migraine lasts for more than a day I can take it 3 times a day for three days. It's an antihistamine and a muscle relaxer. It has kept me from going to the ER. If the pattern does not break, I take a steroid. I don't take any over the counter drugs or narcotics. Although, I do have Kerolac that I can substitute for the third day of an abortive during the week. I only take two days of abortives and third day Kerolac. Only can take two. Hardly ever take them though.
I finally was given the opportunity to try Propanolol, a blood pressure med, and it seems to be helping a lot. My only trouble arises when I can't get neck pain or spasms under control before a tension headache starts.
i had the nasal spray at first....i agree it leaves a disgusting taste in your throat....not very effective either
You can just take Zomig 8 tablets per month. The avoid as much as possible
I've tried those and they made my already low blood pressure, drop even more...
Has Anyone Tried That Nurtec Odt
May Is Mental Health Awareness Month. Any Advice For Someone Newly Diagnosed With Migraine?
Can Someone Recommend What I Can Take For My Migraines. Advil, Tylenol, Etc Isn't Working For Me