The Savi Dual Migraine Therapy device is cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the acute and preventive treatment of migraine in people aged 12 and older. It is available only through a prescription and can be used at home or in clinical settings.
The device employs single-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (sTMS) technology, delivering electromagnetic pulses to calm hyperactive nerves in the brain’s occipital cortex, a region associated with migraine. This process is believed to reduce the frequency and severity of migraine attacks.
How do I take it?
The user manual for Savi Dual explains that it is a handheld, portable device. To use it, a person positions the device at the back of the head and presses the treatment button to deliver pulses of magnetic energy. For preventive therapy, the suggested regimen includes using the device twice daily, administering four pulses during each session. For acute treatment, users are instructed to deliver four pulses at the onset of a migraine, repeating every 15 to 30 minutes as needed until the attack subsides. The device should be used exactly as instructed by a healthcare provider.
Side effects
Common side effects of Savi Dual include mild and transient sensations such as tingling, dizziness, tinnitus (brief ringing in the ears), unresolved headache, and momentary light-headedness.
Rare but serious side effects are not reported in the available literature. However, the device is contraindicated for individuals with conductive metal implants in the head or neck, except for dental work. Healthcare providers may assess its suitability using MRI protocols for such cases.
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