In late 2019, 158 MyMigraineTeam members participated in a survey on their experiences with health care providers. All participating members had previously been diagnosed with migraines. The MyMigraineTeam survey included questions about the types of health care providers that people with migraines turn to for treating both the migraines and their migraine symptoms. Participants were also asked about their experiences and levels of satisfaction with these doctors and other providers as they seek treatment for migraines.
MyMigraineTeam shares the results of research so that the MyMigraineTeam community can learn from each other’s experiences.
There are many different types of migraines. Those who have 15 or more days a month with a migraine are said to have chronic migraines. Those who have 14 or fewer days a month with a migraine have what are called episodic migraines. According to the American Migraine Foundation, 2.5 percent of people with episodic migraines will develop chronic migraines each year.
Those who have more migraines tend to be less satisfied with their experience with their providers.
Respondents have mixed feelings about whether their doctors are doing enough. Just over half believe that their doctors are doing all that they can to help them. This is true of both those with episodic migraines and chronic migraines.
Read more about results from the MyMigraineTeam survey:
Do you think your health care providers are doing all they can to treat your migraines? Are you satisfied with the care you are receiving? What, if anything, would you like to see doctors do differently? Comment below or post on MyMigraineTeam.
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