Has Anyone Had Worsening Migraines For The First Week After Aimovig Inj. Before Feeling Better?
Every month when I take my Aimovig inj for the first week it seems that I have terrible migraines and then I'm better. Anyone else!? And yes... barometric/environmental systems reek havoc on my headaches also. When
weather is nice, not too hot, not too humid, just right I feel pretty good. But I also can tell way beforehand when rain is coming, or heat w/humidity,etc. too cold 🥶❄️, etc. I have Fibromyalgia too. The two seem to go hand in hand unfortunately!
I started Aimovig on the 14th of April. So far it is helping but I still have Zomig in case I feel one starting. I tried Nurtec and Max-alt and neither worked. They are still trying to figure out why I had a Hemorrhagic stroke/brain bleed with horrific migraines. Before that I rarely had migraines. Only sinus headaches. They are working me over to try to figure it out. It's been a scary few weeks.
When I first started using Aimovig I had that type of reaction to the medication. It was like after the fourth or fifth injection the migraines did become easier to manage month to month. Just as you, barometer changes are a big deal and when weather changes take place like cloudy issues (rain/thunderstorms) I am toast, need to go hide out for awhile with my migraine kit.
I do fully understand the migraine situation and how they can be trouble to work through as I experience migraines due to a brain surgery. Take care my friend.
I took my 2nd dose of Aimovig on Monday and I have not had any side effects that I've noticed. I'm still having migraines but they are very mild and go away pretty quick with Tylenol with caffeine. They are managed a ton better now so, I take Aimovig as a plus. I think over time it will still get better and better. I hope it starts working for you too.
I wish you best of luck❤️
Great.. it didn't do a dent to my migraines.. I glad it works
Has Anyone Had Worsening Migraines For The First Week After Aimovig Inj. Before Feeling Better?
How Much Does The Weather Play A Role With Your Migraine
Barometric Pressure....how Does It Affect You And Is There Anything You Can Do To Avoid Them?