Depakote For Migraines?
Hey All,
I'm currently on depakote for my epilepsy. Has anybody had luck with this drug as a migraine component? I'm currently taking two 500mg tablets at night. Along with my neurontin 800mg one tablet 3x a day.
Ask about lithium and verapamile combo
They on topamax which is an epilepsy med but it's too soon to tell
I'm on Depakote 250Mg one for a.m. two at bedtime for another reason not for migraine.
I take 1000mg at night for my seizures. And my neuro just increased my dose of Neurontin to 3200mg a day because one of my other meds caused too many problems with depression. The longest I've gone without a migraine has been 23 days. I'm really feeling a difference.
Yes, it is good but it is long term. I started with a high dose, 2000mg in 2001, and now I am down to 250mg. If it hadn’t been for depakote I don’t know where or what I would be now.
Think in terms of long term and quality of life. Migraines may never go away but what is the best quality of life can we have and provide for our spouse and children.
Has Anyone Ever Been Prescribed Depakote For Migraines
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