Does Anyone Else Suffer Anxiety And Panic Attacks That Originated From Getting Migraines All The Time?
I do all the same things I would do originally for the anxiety attack and panic attacks. If the migraine isn't too bad, then I'll sit down and colour in my adult colouring books, or I'll watch a movie or a tv show to help me get distracted and calm down. Sometimes I take a shower, because the hot water just helps to relax and I focus on the water hitting my skin and head. I've picked up a lot of hobbies that help with my anxiety so I tend to stick to those things. Of course as long as my migraine isn't too bad. Sometimes it really affects my eyes and so any kind of light will make it worse for me, and if that's the case then I won't do anything in my colouring books or watch anything on the tv. If that happens then I'll take a shower and then go to sleep. The other things that calm me down is Essential oils. I often put lavender on my pillow cases and then lay down to sleep and it calms me down and aids good sleep. Or I'll light a good smelling candle if I'm in the mood for another scent.
Yes quite often actually.
Anxiety is terrible for me as well. Mainly because you live in fear never knowing how long or how debilitating the episode will be.
1 1/2 years to get a diagnosis and I had to discover it on my own.
Never able to plan anything!
It’s a snowball affect! Anxiety and migraine episodes feed off each other.
I am coming to believe that controlling our stress is key to healing both.
Easier said than done!
I try to keep my mind and body active and engrossed when I am feeling ok.
Try and be as strong as you possibly can. Dig deep into your core!!!
Just in last couple of years, my anxiety has come every day in morning after breakfast and after lunch. I feel like it’s low blood sugar. I get panicky thinking I have to go to an appointment and I may faint. Most of the time the migraine comes every other day. Don’t know why. Hate dealing with anxiety and headache pain it’s a real double whammy. Hard to act like you’re having a good time when with friends. Eating and Xanax helps but I get so tired I can’t wait to get in bed. The vestibular migraines like I have now are not as painful but much more often.
I’m so sorry for anyone suffering with this disability that no one is trying to cure.
Oh my yes I do. Daily chronic migraines can do it.
How Many Of You Suffer From Depression/anxiety Along With Your Migraines?
Anxiety After Migraines
Dose Anyone Else Get Really Bad Depression And Anxiety Right Before A Migraine Attack